Last updated on May 11th, 2023 at 07:57 am

Dr A M Jinturkar
Pursuit For Excellence…It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Government Polytechnic, Aurangabad has a long-standing reputation in providing technical education, We are constantly reviewing our set up to update and improve while making sure that students gain thinking skills, interpersonal and communication skills and analytical frameworks which will be advantageous to them in the future.Apart from academic activities, the co-curricular activites- Sports/IEDSSA, Cultural Events and Social Service activities form a vital ingredient of the students grooming leading to their holistic personality development.The Training and Placement Cell /Alumni Cell of the institute work tirelessly towards attainment of the common goal of ensuring employment for all students in various industries and helping entrepreneurs in establishing successful businesses. I wish that that the Institute will continue to leave its mark in the society by shaping the future of the youth of our country and transforming their potential into successful careers. Have a wonderful experience in navigation through our website.