HOD’s Desk

Shri. M.A. Dhaygude, Lect IT (I/c)

Date of Appointment : 01-06-2019

Computer Engineering

A center of excellence in the domain of Computer Science & Engineering to cultivate “digital artifacts” for society
To educate the globally competent Civil Engineering Diploma graduates through excellent education system for creating synergy for socio-economic development of nation, with focus on development of social values, human ethics, employment and self-employment spirit and lifelong learning skills.


Shri. M.A. Dhaygude

Lectuer IT Head (I/c) (Regular)


Shri. P.B. Lahoti (Deputed MNIT, Jaipur under AICTE-QIP)

Lecturer (Regular)


Smt. N.M. Masuldar

Lecturer (Regular)


Shri. S.M. Bankar

Lecturer (Regular)


Shri. V.B. Patil

Lecturer (Regular)

  1. PEO1:To provide the essential knowledge of science and engineering concepts fundamental for a computer professional and equip the proficiency of mathematical foundations and algorithmic principles for competent problem solving ability.
  2. PEO2:To design, model, program and test software systems and applications in varying domains including Networks, Embedded systems, Web technologies and Image processing.
  3. PEO3:To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, communication skills, teamwork, lifelong learning, multidisciplinary approach into student to relate computer engineering issues with social awareness.
1. Basic knowledge: An ability to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering as it applies to fundamentals of Information Technology and related programming technologies.

2. Discipline knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of networking with wireless technologies, multimedia technology and distributed computing, software testing and topics of current relevance to IT industry.

3. Experiments and practice: An ability to interpret the knowledge of best practices of experiments in software development in industry.

4. Engineering tools: An ability to design, develop and evaluate acreative solutions for computer-based system, process, or program using techniques, skills and modern software engineering tools necessary for IT practice.

5. The engineer and society: An ability to comprehend of professional, legal, security, social issues and responsibilities.

6. Environment and sustainability: An ability to analyse the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal context.

7. Ethics: An ability to inculcate professional and ethical responsibilities and marshal in all situations.

8. Individual and team work: An ability to function effectively in multidisciplinary environment as an individual and in team.

9. Communication: An ability to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms effectively.

10. Life-long learning: An ability to apply knowledge & skills of computing discipline in the competitive examinations, higher education and / or seek employment to engage in life-long learning.
  1. Technical Support Analyst: Ability to use, analyse and develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithms, System and application software, multimedia technologies, web design, networking, troubleshooting & maintenance for efficient design of computer-based systems of varying complexity.
  2. Software Developer: Ability to apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using Free and open source software (FOSS) to deliver a quality product for business application
Sr.No. Name of Member Designation Experience Organization
Sr. No. Name of the Lab. Name of Major Equipment’s Available floor area (in sq.m) Cost (in Rs.) Remarks
Sr. No. Year Term Name of Event (Awards/Achievements / IEDSSA/Paper/Quiz/Project etc) Participant Name Achievement